Title: The Role of Medicine: Dream, Mirage or Nemesis? (1979)
Author: Thomas McKeown
Publisher: Basil Blackwell, Oxford
In a book that is often grouped with Effectiveness
and Efficiency (Cochrane) and Limits
to Medicine (Illich), Dr McKeown attempts to calculate the role of
medicine in the improvement in health seen over the preceding centuries. He also points out the current problems with medicine (in the 1970s,
anyway) and makes suggestions for the future of medical practice, education and
research. Fortunately, many of his
suggestions have been realised, but unfortunately, the contribution of medicine
to the continuing improvement in health remains overestimated.
The main part of the book concerns the role of medicine in
improving health, concentrating on the change in life expectancy. His argument
is that the increase in life expectancy seen over decades and centuries has
been largely due to increased access to food, and decreased exposure to harmful
bacteria. The latter through public health measures such as clean water
sources, treating and disposing of sewerage, changing living conditions, and the improved handling, packaging and transport of food (e.g. pasteurisation,
bottling, fast transport).
One obvious point about the increase in life expectancy is
that it has arisen largely from changes in mortality in children. He notes that
early records (as far as they exist) indicate that for a long time most humans
did not survive to adult life. Although infection was the big killer, the
interesting point about infant mortality was the discussion of infanticide. It appears that
infanticide (for many reasons, mainly poverty) was common practice in Western
Europe until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
McKeown attributes most of the reduction in the death rate (and
increase in longevity) from the beginning of the 18th century to the
1970s to the decline in infections. The decline in death from tuberculosis alone
(the biggest killer in the mid 1800s) was associated with nearly half of the
decline in the overall death rate during the second half of the nineteenth
century. The death rate from tuberculosis continued to decline in the early 20th
century and was at very low levels by the time the first effective medical
treatment (streptomycin) arrived (see image below, and I have placed comparative US data below it). He uses such data to
conclude that modern medicine was not the big player in the decline of
tuberculosis. Looking at the graphs it seems obvious, but if you ask any first
year medical student (or final year, or doctor?) they will tell you that the
invention of antibiotics was responsible for the control of tuberculosis.
Death rate for Tuberculosis, 1860-1960, United States, Source: US Bureau of the Census, Historical Statistics of the United States; Colonial Times to 1970 (Washington, D.C: Government Printing Office, 1975), Part 1 pp58,63. Note: Data between 1860 and 1900 for Massachusetts only.
Similarly, death from typhus fell dramatically leading up to
the 20th century, without any effective medical treatment available.
Same goes for influenza, pneumonia, whooping cough, scarlet fever and measles.
The reasons are speculated (nutrition, herd immunity, and public health
measures), but the declines seen are clearly not due to doctors. The images
below are from his previous book, The Modern Rise of Population.
The decline in mortality from non-infective conditions
(starvation, infanticide, premature birth, etc.) are also discussed. And he
deals with environmental and behavioural issues at length (discussing smoking
and modern diets, for example).
McKeown also argues that the high rates of death from
infections seen in the preceding centuries are not the ‘normal’ case, and that
infection was not a common cause of death in the nomadic period due to the vast
difference in population density. He argues that progress in agriculture and
engineering that allowed us to live together in cities has had its down side.
He notes that animals in their native state do not usually die from infections
(I have always wondered why my pets have all lived to ripe old ages without any
help from veterinary science).
The author grants that immunisation for smallpox has been
effective, but notes that this was not a major cause of death prior to
immunisation (which, interestingly, began in the early 1800s). He also
acknowledges some contribution from medicine prior to WW II (the modern
antibiotic era), including diphtheria antitoxin, intravenous therapy for
diarrhoea and improved obstetric care for puerperal fever. Many of the success
stories we think about, however, like polio, were not big killers prior to
immunisation. (Diphtheria graph below).

Like Cochrane, he also calls for medical treatments to be
investigated and critically examined, as would be the case in any field of
endeavour, preferably before they become common practice and too ‘resistant’ to
The assumptions used in this book, like the problems with
using data collected over different centuries, makes any calculation of the
effect of medicine unreliable. For example, he attributes exactly 3.2% of the decline
in tuberculosis mortality from 1848 to 1971 to medical treatment (antibiotics).
That criticism, however, should not negate the main message that: generally a
human being that survives birth will live to be old without medical
intervention, as long as there is clean water, enough food and a safe
environment (homicide, smoking, traffic etc.).
There are several other parts to this book, and I will only
briefly touch on the sections dealing with current (1970’s) medical practice
and education and suggestions for the future. Dr McKeown laments the emphasis
on mechanisms and diagnosis, and recommends a broader view of medicine to cover
more important determinants of health, such as nutrition and environmental
factors. What he is asking for is an appreciation of the importance of the
factors that lie outside the traditional doctor’s clinic, and to include them
in education, research and practice. My opinion is that this wish has at least
partly been realised.
His problem with medical practice is reinforced with
examples. He notes that when he was a young doctor, medicine was facing an
epidemic of lung cancer. The emphasis (at least in clinical medicine) at the
time was on treatment and early detection, with little discussion of the cause (smoking).
The bottom line
McKeown repeatedly points out that the effectiveness of
medical therapies are overestimated and the harms underestimated, which is my
mantra. But the main message of the book can be summed up by this quote:
“The appraisal of influences
on health in the past three centuries suggested that we owe the improvement,
not to what happens when we are ill, but to the fact that we do not so often
become ill.”
If you include public health measures like water, sewerage
and food hygiene under medicine, that’s fine, but to claim that all the public
health measures of the last few centuries fall under the banner of medicine is
hard, when it wasn’t the doctors that did it. Most people see medicine as what
happens in the doctor’s office, and they consider that to be responsible for
our increasing longevity.
PS: McKeown has come in for his fair share of criticism (see here), but the
criticisms were mainly aimed at his view that the population rise was due to
falling death rate, rather than rising birth rates, and that he underplayed the
role of public health measures such as water and sewerage. I don’t think the
latter accusation is true, but either way, the critics can’t say that specific,
modern medical interventions (like antibiotics) were responsible for any
increase in life expectancy prior to WW II because there weren’t any, apart
from the examples he provides (like smallpox vaccine and diphtheria antitoxin).
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